Who Am I?

Sunday, April 17, 2016

When There's A Will, There's A Way

During my undergraduate studies, we discussed different philosophers and historians who had changed the world because an idea. Others have changed the world because of their believes and will to fight. One of the individuals we studied was Victor Hugo, known for one of his main moves Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hugo had two strong quotes of which I believe are true and decide whether or not a person is great. One of his quotes is that “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come” (Hugo). An idea can be as strong or more powerful than an army ever was. However, for an entrepreneur, there is nothing more discouraging and heart-breaking than the death of an idea due to financial difficulties. In many cases, people decide to not pursue their ideas not because they were not big or revolutionary, but because he or she lacked the resources necessary to ring that idea to life. There is always a way to make one’s dreams a reality regardless of one’s present circumstances. The other quote from Hugo that resonated with me is that “[p]eople do not lack strength; they lack will” (Hugo). When there is the will to fight for one’s dreams, there will always be the strength to find a way to find the resources needed. Alternative funding sources are an option for one who is limited by his or her financial position. whether it is an organization or company providing investments, individuals, friends, family or any other source, there is always a way. The difficulty consists in presenting or selling the idea to the investor. One must conduct research on the investor’s wants and needs, understand one’s idea as it is part of one’s self and most importantly, never give up. In some occasion, one has to improvise and/or start something different as a means to  reach one’s final goal. An examples the Blue Men Group. They lacked the funding to acquire the musical instruments they needed, but they were creative and invented their own instruments. Now, the Blue Men Group is an international attraction where the founders had the will to fight on and bring their ideas to life.

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